Elementary Math Curriculum
Fort Zumwalt School District
Office of Curriculum and Instruction
K--5 Elementary Mathematics Curriculum Overview
The Fort Zumwalt School District Mathematics Curriculum addresses the Grade Level Expectations as set forth by the State of Missouri. It is designed to guide teachers in effective instruction and evaluation of the Missouri Grade Level Expectations.
Research has indicated that students need to be mathematical problem-solvers, communicators and critical thinkers. Students must be equipped to understand and apply problem-solving skills and mathematical reasoning in situations that they will encounter as productive citizens in the 21st century . The mathematics curriculum of the Fort Zumwalt School District will provide opportunities for all students to experience a wide range of mathematics. Opportunities will be presented through varied instructional approaches and techniques that actively engage students in mathematics. Within the curriculum, students need to move through concrete activities with many connections before encountering abstract mathematics. Emphasis will continue to move away from repetitious activities to increased mathematical reasoning and problems solving. The learning environment will integrate the use of manipulatives and technology when appropriate.
Student assessment should be viewed as an integral part of instruction. Assessment will measure the understanding of concepts, problem-solving and computational skills. Teachers will use a combination of formative and summative assessments including projects to demonstrate the ability to apply mathematical concepts and skills. In designing and administering assessments, when appropriate, attention will be given to diverse learning styles and multiple intelligences to provide meaningful experiences for all students. In turn, students will become self-motivated learners who are not only college and career ready, but more prepared for the world that lies ahead.
Elementary Mathematics Grade Level Expectations The Missouri Grade Level Expectations for Mathematics define the content and skills students need in each grade level to become college and career ready. The Grade Level Expectations are relevant to the real world and reflect the knowledge and skills students need to achieve their goals. Use the tabs at left to view curriculum by grade level. Grade Level Expectations that are in bold are priority expectations. Those highlighted in yellow are assessed through Standards Based Grading.