Strength in Diversity.

Understanding. Acceptance. Inclusion

Ensure students have the tools they need to succeed.

If you would like to donate to our Outreach program, email Melissa Tichy or Deanna Kruse.

Why is Diversity Professional Development Important?

Professional Development is a vital part of the FZiAm: Strength In Diversity Training Program and our purpose in doing so is to make sure that those at any of our trainings leave feeling as if they learned something about themselves and each other.

New Blog Post!

group of students in front of building

FZE Unity

What does Unity mean to Fort Zumwalt East High School?

Our Diversity & Awareness Work.

Student and the word soul


During Black History Month, we sat down with a few students from Fort Zumwalt North High School, so they could tell us what the words love, hope, soul, and remembrance meant to them.

man speaking

Support Staff Diversity Training

Over the summer we hosted diversity workshops for district level support staff personnel. As we continue our work across the District, check out what happens during one of the sessions. 

Student and the words autism awareness

Autism Awareness

For Autism Awareness Month, we spent some time with a few students at Fort Zumwalt East High School to talk about recognizing and including those with autism looked like.

man speaking

Facilitating Cope

We spent some time with Melissa Tichy, a Crisis Counselor at Fort Zumwalt West, to talk about some of the ways she helps students cope during emotional moments with her coping corner.

students listening


Fort Zumwalt North High’s Diversity Club has taken the challenge. Find out how students are working together to find strength in their diversity.

man speaking

Difficult Conversations

The FORTiTUDE Podcast hosted a diversity episode with Juan Wilson, Coordinator of Diversity & Awareness for the Fort Zumwalt School District, and Brittany Hogan, the Coordinator Education Equity and Diversity for the Rockwood School District.