Angie Albert | Transition Coordinator | aalbert@fz.k12.mo.us | 636.474.8465
Postsecondary Transition
Postsecondary transition planning is essential to prepare students with disabilities for life after high school. Transition planning is based on the individual student's needs, taking into account their strengths, interests, and preferences. It is a coordinated set of activities consisting of assessments, postsecondary goals, and transition services needed in the areas of employment and education/training; independent living is addressed as necessary. Transition planning responsibilities are shared by the student, parent, school, and outside agencies as necessary.
Form C: Postsecondary Transition Plan must be added to the IEP beginning no later than the first IEP to be in effect when the student turns 16 and is updated annually. Postsecondary transition can begin earlier than 16 if needed especially for students with more significant needs. Fort Zumwalt begins transition planning in 8th grade.
Postsecondary transition services must be included for School, Student, Parent, and Outside Agency (if appropriate) in the areas of employment, Education/Training, and Independent Living. Transition Services should consider the skills the student has already obtained and the skills they need before graduation to help them reach their postsecondary goal.
Individuals with disabilities and their families may require a wide range of services to help them transition successfully into life after high school. There are many agencies in St. Charles County and the greater St. Louis area that provide services.