Administrative Services

The office of Administrative Services is responsible for oversight of many of the support service areas of the school district. Our primary goal is to ensure that key support services operate in a consistent and highly efficient fashion so that educators and students can focus on learning.

The key areas of responsibility for Administrative Services include the following programs and tasks:

- Attendance Boundaries
- Early Dismissal/Inclement Weather Procedures
- Educational Law and Legislative Updates
- Facilities and Maintenance
- Federal Programs Grant Management and Program Implementation
- ESEA Grant Areas: Title I and Title III
- Outdoor Education Program
- Policy Development and Implementation
- Student Nutrition Services
- Transportation

In addition, daily communications with patrons and building level administration are carried out relative to district policy and procedures, bus routing concerns, student transportation safety, free and reduced lunch eligibility, public relations, site safety and cleanliness, grant development opportunities, and compliance monitoring requirements.


Click on the name to send an email to a member of our team.

Mr. Jeremy Moore

Jeremy Moore
Assistant Superintendent

Toby Clodfelter

Toby Clodfelter
Director of Construction, Renovations and Building Systems

Dewayne Kitson

Dewayne Kitson
Director, Facitlities

Jeff Schwepker

Jeff Schwepker
Director, Transportation

Photo not available

Paul Becker
Director, Student Nutrition Services