How To Apply for Internal Positions
STEP #1 - To access the online application portal, go to the district web site at and click on the tab labeled “Work for FZSD.”
STEP #2 - Next, you will select “Employment Opportunities.” This will take you to our new TalentEd Recruit and Hire Online Application Platform. If you want to access additional information about the application process on Hire and Recruit, please review information in the links checked (√ ) on our application process

STEP #3 - Once you click on “Employment Opportunities,” you will be directed to the screen below which has a listing of all External posted positions. To see and apply for Internal posted positions, you will need to click on the “Internal” link located in the top right corner of the screen (see red arrow). I have circled the “Help” button just as an FYI. This is another way to access information on how to use the online application portal. All Fort Zumwalt staff, certified and support, will need to create an Internal applicant account; however, keep in mind that support staff who want to apply for a certified position will have to complete a full External application.

STEP #4 - The first time you go in to the Internal Candidate Portal, you must click on the “Yes, I am an employee” tab under “New Internal Applicants” to set up your Internal Applicant account. All Fort Zumwalt Employees will need to set-up an Internal account to be able to see internal job postings for all employment categories.

STEP #5 - Once you click on “Yes, I am an employee”, the next screen is where you enter all of your profile information. You must complete all sections with a red asterisk (*). When you have finished entering your information click “Save”.

STEP #6 - Once you click save, the program will take you back to the External candidate portal and you will have to sign in with your new Username and Password as an Internal candidate. To sign in to the Internal candidate portal with your newly created Username and Password, you will go back to the top right side of the External candidate portal and click on “Internal”. You will then be directed back to the Internal candidate portal – see next picture.

Step 7 - Since you now have an Internal Applicant Username and Password, you will simply log in using that information at the top of the Internal Applicant portal. When you click “sign in”, you will be able to see all Internal and External postings. This will be how all Fort Zumwalt employees will log in to see both internal and external job postings. Remember that the job postings that are visible on the District web site are only the external job postings. You must log in to the Internal candidate portal to see the Internal job postings.