Safety Procedures for Tornado Warnings
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Safety Procedures for Tornado Warnings
High School Policies & Guidelines
Middle School Policies & Guidelines
The following provides our general guidelines when we have storms predicted or evident in our county. These safety procedures would be in place when/if a tornado warning has been issued by the National Weather Service for our area.
Transportation Procedures
Before school: In the event a tornado warning is issued prior to the start of the school day, school buses will be held at the bus garage. The start of the school day will be delayed until the tornado warning is lifted.
After school: Students will not be dismissed from school while the area is under a tornado warning. Even though it might be the end of the school day, students will be held at school and buses will not be allowed to transport students until the tornado warning has been lifted.
Buses in route: In the event a warning is issued while school bus drivers are already on their route, either before or after school, buses will proceed to the nearest school and drivers will take the students inside. Drivers and students will remain at the school location until the warning has been lifted.
Parent Procedures
Before school: It is important for parents to have a family plan ready in the event a tornado warning is issued before school. Parents need to keep their children at home or in a safe location until the warning is lifted. We want to ensure students are not waiting at the bus stops during this critical time.
After school: We urge parents to refrain from coming to school to pick up their child during a tornado warning. If parents arrive at school during a warning, they will be asked to wait with us.
Communication Procedures
Parents will be notified via the automatic notification system of any changes in transportation, as well as school delays, associated with shelter-in-place during a tornado warning.
School Procedures
When a tornado warning is issued, a tornado alarm/alert is broadcast at the school. Teachers and students move to their designated shelter areas within the school. Then, the members of the school community wait until the warning has been lifted before resuming their normal school day. This action may delay the starting and the ending of the school day. As you know, our schools conduct tornado drills with student twice a year to ensure they are aware of the procedures to follow. We want our students to have practiced these safety requirements in case of a weather-related emergency.
If you have any questions regarding Fort Zumwalt’s procedures during a tornado warning, please contact your school principal.