Emge Reading Week 3/3-3/7/25

We are excited to celebrate Reading Week during the week of March 3-7. Our theme this year is "Reading is an Adventure." Mrs. Gaynor has created a week full of fun activities to celebrate reading. This week your learners will bring home a printed flyer with more information about the activities for the week and spirit days.

Family Literacy Night: "Camp Read-a-Lot" is Thursday, March 6th from 5:30-7:00 PM. Families will receive a list of camp activities and a "Camp Card" at the door and will have the opportunity to visit the stations listed below. After each station is visited, they will receive a camp themed sticker for their Camp Card. Stations include:

  • Make & Take: Build a puppet from a story or create a cube for retelling any story

  • Campfire Compound Words: Make as many compound words as you can (words on s’mores template cards)

  • Say It Like…: Practice tongue twisters using different voices (camp themed tongue twisters & voices such as a mean counselor, a worried mom, etc.)

  • The Best Time Ever: Write a camp story Mad Libs style.

  • Gone Fishin’ for Rhymes: Match rhyming words (create ponds from blue bulletin board paper on floor, word cards placed around pond for students to stand on & fish for matching rhyming words)

  • Reading Under the Stars: Read with your family using a flashlight (read sitting around paper campfires either inside a dark classroom or outside TBD)

  • S’Mores Station: Follow directions to make a s’mores (preassembled baggies with a graham cracker, chocolate, & craft stick or plastic knife; jars of marshmallow fluff/creme)

BINGO FOR BOOKS: All classes will participate during their scheduled library time. We will play a camp themed BINGO with books for prizes.

Reading Week Spirit Days:

★Monday 3/3: Get Ready for a Reading Adventure: wear outdoor attire (hiking, fishing, hunting, etc.)
★ Tuesday 3/4: Cozy Up By the Fire to Read–wear pajamas or flannel
★ Wednesday 3/5: Reading is S'More Fun with Friends–share a book with a friend (can bring a book from home or use one from school)
★ Thursday 3/6: Reading is an Adventure–dress like your favorite book character
★ Friday 3/7: Camp Out With a Good Book–read with flashlights in the classroom