Looking for a way to support East High Grad Night? There are lots of opportunities that can be found here: /o/ehs/page/grad-night-committee
about 2 years ago, East High School
A+ Tutors - There will be no tutoring at the elementary schools on Friday, Oct. 14th
about 2 years ago, East High School
#DigitalCitizenship week is almost here! Check out the progress of our Elementary Technology classes. They started by in 2016 by introducing students K - 5 to the basics, now they are working with every student as an author. Tune in here: https://www.fz.k12.mo.us/article/866169
about 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
FORTiTUDE podcast: Every Kid's an Author
Don't forget picture retakes are tomorrow, Thursday 10/13.
about 2 years ago, East High School
Check out the exciting accomplishments of our East High Students in the FZE Principal's Corner: https://ehs.fz.k12.mo.us/o/ehs/page/fze-principals-corner
about 2 years ago, East High School
Principal's Corner with Ms. Ashlee Vaughn
HOSA sponsored a blood drive yesterday and East High donated over 50 units of blood. Great job! #EastHighPride
over 2 years ago, East High School
FZEiAM is sponsoring Unity Day on October 19th. Wear orange on October 19th. The library is selling special t-shirts for $10 on 10/10-10/13.
over 2 years ago, East High School
Orange You and Me t-shirt
Save the Date - Bahama Buck's Benefit Night on October 26th 6-8 pm to benefit Grad Night.
over 2 years ago, East High School
Bahama Buck's Flyer for October 26th
Attention, A+ Tutors, there will be no tutoring at the Elementary schools or DuBray Middle School Wednesday, 10/5 due to the District-wide early release day.
over 2 years ago, East High School
S/O and a huge THANK YOU to our custodial team as we mark National Custodial Worker's Recognition Day. Thank you for all you do to have our schools ready for teaching and learning each day.
over 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Thank you FZSD Custodians!
Last summer East High Project Lead The Way Biomedical teacher Carrie Stowers connected with Kyle Gaines of the St. Charles County Ambulance District. Stowers’ fourth-year students were interested in deeper CPR training than what they completed in their health class. “We worked together to find a solution that would fit within class hours. The kids did a class called Heart Code - Basic Life Support,” Gaines said. “They did some online learning through the American Heart Association, and then we did a skills practice and test out. They asked amazing questions.” All of the students in both classes plan careers in healthcare. “As a class, they reflected on what was gained in addition to being CPR certified,” Stowers said. “They are more confident about their abilities to actually perform CPR/AED on a real human. They feel more prepared for college classes. The students were especially grateful to SCCAD EMS for their knowledge in answering many, many questions and showing them the techniques in person.”
over 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
FZE biomedical class pic with CPR dummies
SCCAD pros instruct students on CPR
Students also learned infant CPR
SCCAD pros instruct students on infant respirations
FZE Craft Fair to benefit Grad Night is Saturday, October 22nd at 9am-3pm at East High.
over 2 years ago, East High School
Craft Fair Flyer
Tune in to hear from elementary students and recent grads about the League of Leaders and the power of common language in Pushing for Positive Peer Influence. It's at the center of all we do. Watch or listen on our website: https://www.fz.k12.mo.us/article/834249 Download the new Fort Zumwalt App, subscribe on YouTube or your favorite podcast app so you never miss an episode of the FORTiTUDE podcast.
over 2 years ago, FORTiTUDE podcast
FORTiTUDE podcast: The League of Leaders
Picture re-takes are coming on October 13th! Students please sign up with your Fort Zumwalt email using the Google Form: https://forms.gle/1KKrFKGdJuj5R37J9
over 2 years ago, East High School
Did you know the federal program providing free school meals to all students expired? Please be sure to check your students' account balance regularly. If you need the application to see if you qualify for free or reduced price school meals click "Free/Reduced Application Info" on our Student Nutrition website. https://ftzumwaltsdmo.sites.thrillshare.com/o/fzsd/page/student-nutrition
over 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Student Nutrition Update
#FZSD is loving our new app! Access dining menus, news updates, & even notifications, right from your pocket. Set your default school & schools that send you notifications in settings. Download for Android https://bit.ly/3w6NXGW Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3zQUgQb
over 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Download the FZSD app
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Fort Zumwalt! It's everything Fort Zumwalt, in your pocket. Download for Android https://bit.ly/3w6NXGW Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3zQUgQb
over 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Download the Fort Zumwalt App
Good morning, Please be sure to complete online registration prior to the start of school on Monday, August 22nd. This can be completed through the Parent Portal: https://sdm.fz.k12.mo.us/FZ360x3/login Once logged in, if you do not see a yellow online registration link or if you’d rather register using a paper copy please contact our registrar Samantha Leeper --sleeper@fz.k12.mo.us We look forward to seeing your students on Monday and hopefully meeting you at our Open House on Thursday, August 25th.
over 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt East High School
over 2 years ago, FORTiTUDE podcast
Board of Education Meeting
Signs school is starting: St. Charles County has appointments available if your child needs updated immunizations. You can learn more and use the link to schedule an appointment here: https://www.sccmo.org/609/School-Requirements
over 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Classes begin Aug. 22, 22