Firebirds being Proactive

This weekend, Roman and his family were talking about other ways that they are proactive.

First, every Sunday they meal prep as a family. They washed their fruits and veggies for the week, shredded cheese, and hard boiled eggs, cooked a couple dinners, and made brownies! (Don't worry, Roman has his own set of kid knives!) 

Roman also wanted to show how he could stay organized with his dry-erase board. Every evening his family makes their to-do list for the next day. They also write down our bedtime routine. Roman loves checking each thing off of the list! (This is also a way that he practices writing and spelling.)

Roman has had a lot of fun learning about this leadership quality, and his family had a lot of fun doing the different activities together this month. 

Way to go Roman! Way to be Proactive! #proudprincipals#gofirebirds

Roman Being Proactive Be Proactive Be ProactiveBe Proactive Be Proactive