Trailblazer Families,
Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year! We are looking forward to this upcoming year and greeting you and your child(ren) on our first day of school Monday, Aug. 19, 2024. I am honored to be beginning my second year as the principal at Lewis and Clark, and I cannot think of a place I would rather be! Well, other than a beach :)
Here is some information we wanted to share with you as we prepare for this upcoming school year:
Calendar of Events: Attached are all of the important dates you will need this year. You can also view it by clicking this link, or by visiting our school website, where all of our events are posted on the calendar.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures: Please take time to read through the attached document so you are prepared for the first day of school (also included in the Welcome Letter email). You can also view it by clicking here.
Fort Zumwalt Website/App: Please take time to visit our district website. Also make sure to download our school app to receive quick updates and news about our school!
Online Registration: Each year we collect a lot of information from you to ensure your child is safe at school. The first step is to complete Enrollment/Re-Enrollment forms on our new FZSD Family Portal App by Focus School Software. Families should have received an email (make sure you find the email that was titled with “UPDATED” as that is the one that had the correct information, it should have been the second one you received) with all of the details you need to create an account and connect your students. (Please check your spam and junk folders before reaching out to your school about not receiving an email.) You can find step-by-step instructions here. As always, you can access the portal using the Family Portal button on any of our websites. You can also download the app for easy access from your mobile device from anywhere.
The annual Enrollment Update paperwork is available once you have created your account and connect your students. We know there are some growing pains as we all adjust to the new platform, but thank you for your patience and working with us. If all else fails, please call our main office and we will be happy to assist you through this process.
You may have also received a call from our office regarding updated Proof of Residency. This call did not go to all families, but if you received one it is important that we get updated documents as soon as possible. If you have any questions about this, please call our office during our office hours.
Breakfast/Lunch: Meal charges will resume the first day of the school year for all students who have not applied for and qualified for the Federal Free-and-Reduced Meal Program. Fort Zumwalt meal prices are still the lowest in St. Charles County. Please click here for the FZSD Child Nutrition site and information about the Free/Reduced Lunch program. It is important to note that families who qualify for this federal program are subsequently eligible for other assistance programs in the community.
Elementary Student Breakfast Price $2.10
Elementary Student Lunch Price $3.10
Supply Drop Off: Supply Drop Off will take place on Wednesday, August 14, from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. To the extent possible we ask that students with the last names starting A-M come between 5:30 pm-6:00 pm and students with the last name starting N-Z come between 6:00 pm and 6:30 pm.
St. Peters will be hosting their drop-off on Thursday, August 15, during the same time frame.
Supply Lists can be found by clicking here.
First Day of School: The first day of school is on August 19, 2024. Our school hours are 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. We begin letting students in the building at 8:45 am. Please remember to read through our arrival and dismissal procedures to help you know what to expect.
Handbook: For our building’s Parent/Student Handbook, please click here, or visit our website! This will give you updates on our building staff, policies and procedures, etc. for this upcoming year. The handbook can be a living document based on changes in district policies or in response to student, family, or community needs, so we recommend checking regularly!
We are thrilled and excited to be partnering with all of you again for another great year of learning. We cannot wait to see our Trailblazers (and Panther Cubs!) on campus here soon!
Pete Johnson, Ed.S.
Lewis and Clark Elementary School