This year, Lewis and Clark will be trying something new for our conferences - Student-Led Conferences!
The goal of a Student-Led Conference (SLC) is the same as with a traditional conference, to share student learning and progress with families over the course of 20 minutes. However, during a SLC the child takes the lead in sharing their progress, discussing critical goals, progress made during the first months of the year, and things they are working on moving forward.
Here’s how this will look this year:
In the coming days you will receive information on how to sign up for a conference time. Please be sure that your child can be there, because …
…your Trailblazer will create a slideshow during technology class highlighting his/her progress on critical learning goals (WIGs and PIGs!). Your Trailblazer will practice their presentation and be ready to review the information with you at conference time.
There will be time created for parent-to-teacher communication, but this will come after your student presents.
Why are we doing this? Simply put, we believe that this will empower students to take a level of ownership over their learning, which is our ultimate goal for all students. Several Trailblazer staff members have worked in schools utilizing SLCs (myself included!) and have seen what a game-changer these can be for our students!
We are excited to partner with you, as always, in educating Our Trailblazers, and helping them become the very best versions of themselves. Should you have any questions between now and SLCs, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher or to our office. Thank you, as always, for your ongoing support!