Veterans Day!  The LCE Veterans crowd watching a choir perform

Trailblazer Families, 

This month we have updates regarding:

  • LCE Celebrations! 

  • iReady, Round 2

  • Cold Weather Procedures

  • Important December Dates

LCE Celebrations!

As the calendar rolls into December, we wanted to take this opportunity to share some celebrations from the first months of the school year:

  • Once again, our community came together to celebrate our Veterans in a remarkable way.  Our gym was packed with SPE/LCE community members who have served our country in the military.  It’s a privilege to welcome these valued members of our school family.  

  • Our students have earned more than 8,000 Trailblazer tickets, meaning we’ve had at least 8,000 opportunities to recognize a Trailblazer for doing something great for a fellow Trailblazer or for our school. 

  • We have recognized more than 70 students on the morning announcements for going above and beyond and showing one of the 7 Habits. Their photos are displayed in our main hallway! 

  • Our average daily attendance for the year so far is 95.02%!  Thank you for your support in getting your Trailblazer to school when they are well and able to be here! 

  • We have about 360 students who have gone the entire school year without a single office referral! 

  • Every single student at LCE has participated in additional reading or math interventions during What I Need (WIN) Time, either to support lagging skills, to continue progress with grade-level standards, or to extend learning. Our goal is to provide ALL students with quality teaching and learning experiences, and to provide ALL students with opportunities for support or extended learning.  

iReady, Round 2! 

We will begin our second round of iReady benchmark testing starting Dec. 9.  This will be a great way to gauge how our Trailblazers have grown since August. We will start with Math and then complete the Reading benchmark in January. When results are in, we will share with families so you can see the amazing progress of your Trailblazer(s) this year.  

Cold Weather Procedures

We will likely start seeing some cold and nasty days here in December. We wanted to share a few bits of information about how we handle inclement weather. 

  • If the temperature, air temp or wind chill, is unsafe for students to be outside, district office will move all elementary recesses to indoor recess. If the playground, surfaces and temperature are safe we will be outside, so please send your child with appropriate attire for the cold.

  • With cold and flu season upon us, please encourage your child to wash their hands regularly. We will do the same at school. We also ask and encourage you to keep your child home if they are ill so that they can rest and recover.  

  • You should have received packets for Alternative Method of Instruction (AMI) Days at conferences. Remember, you can always find all of the information on this at

Important December Dates

  • 12/2: Classes Resume after Thanksgiving Break

  • 12/3: 5th Gr. Musical @ East HS, 7pm

  • 12/4: Early Release Day, Dismiss at 1:30pm

  • 12/5: Bobo’s Fundraiser SkyZone Field Trip for Top Fundraisers

  • 12/6: SPE Winter Wonderland

  • 12/9-13: PTC Holiday Shoppe; iReady Winter Benchmark (Math)

  • 12/12: Winter Title I/ELD Family Game Night! (invite only)

  • 12/16: FZSD Board of Education Meeting

  • 12/17: Spelling Bee 

  • 12/18: SPE Polar Express Day

  • 12/19: 3rd Gr. Party, 2:30pm

  • 12/20: 5th Gr. Party, 12:30pm; 4th Gr. Party, 2:30pm

  • 12/20: Last Day of School before Winter Break

  • 12/21-1/ 5: Winter Break

  • 1/ 6: Classes Resume

December Spirit Days Calendar! 


The time to connect and make memories as a family during the Holiday season is always so important, and we hope that you have a wonderful few weeks together, as a family.  If there is anything our team can do to support you over the coming weeks, please reach out at any time.  

You can reach our office at (636) 397-3111, or you can email Mr. Brodbeck ( or myself ( at any time as well.  


Pete Johnson, Principal