Top o’ the mornin’ to you! It’s Lucky to Have You Week!
This week we are celebrating those we are lucky to have. Students may wear green or orange on Tuesday and Wednesday for a Trailblazer ticket, and we’ll have Donuts With a Lucky One days both mornings. We also have our Spring Picture Day on March 11, where we’re taking personality photos and club photos. For more Lucky to Have You Week info, click this link!
We also have a Kona Ice Day on March 20. Click here to preorder! (Link closes 3/18)
Finally, FZSD is hosting a Suicide Awareness Walk on April 5. Link here!
Monday, March 10
Clubs: 4th PE (after school!), Sign Language, Safety Patrol
After School Tutoring: 4th and 5th Math
Summer Learning Information shared out!
E Day
Tuesday, March 11
Clubs: Choir, Computer
After School Tutoring: Reading, 4th Math
Spring Picture Day! Dress to Impress!
A Day
Wednesday, March 12
Clubs: Earth, 5th PE (after school!)
Donuts with a Lucky One! Last Names A-M
B Day
Thursday, March 13
Clubs: Art, Recorder, Science
After School Tutoring: Reading, 5th Math
Donuts with a Lucky One! Last Names N-Z
PTC Meeting, 6pm
C Day
Friday, March 14
Clubs: Dance
Comfy Clothes Day
Fire Drill
D Day