In a heartwarming turn of events, Norah Wolff, a fifth-grader, has captured the hearts of her classmates and the community with her creative D.A.R.E essay. Norah took a unique approach to her D.A.R.E essay by incorporating Taylor Swift lyrics, adding a creative and personal touch to her message. Norah's peers were so impressed with her essay that they nominated her to read it at their graduation ceremony, recognizing her dedication to a drug-free life. The O'Fallon Police Department acknowledged Norah's efforts by featuring her and her essay on their Facebook page, emphasizing the importance of drug education and prevention. Norah's story didn't stop there—KSDK news station featured her on the news, bringing her commitment to a drug-free life to a broader audience. The community is buzzing with pride for Norah, celebrating her hard work on the essay and her commitment to promoting a drug-free lifestyle. Norah's story serves as an inspiring example of how creativity, dedication, and a commitment to making positive choices can resonate within a community.
You can see the news article on the KDSK website here!