Dear Future SMS Families,
I'm honored to be the first to welcome you to South Middle School, home of the Mustangs! We are excited to meet and work with our incoming 6th graders and families in the upcoming months. At this time, Mrs. Ward (6th grade principal) and I (next year's 6th grade counselor) have visited all 6 elementary schools that will feed into South Middle. We have shared the slideshow below with students and would like you to have access to it as well. The slideshow houses important information including the nature of our school day, school info, courses and curriculum insight, etc.
Please view the Slideshow Here.
Please note that the SMS preview night for incoming 6th graders will be held on Thursday, March 6th from 6:00-7:15p . During this time, students will have an opportunity to tour the middle school, experience its various elective options, hear performances from our performing arts departments and try out different instruments prior to choosing an elective option for next year! Please see the flyer attached; we look forward to seeing you there!
After preview night, a Google form will come to you via email in order for you and your child to choose which elective option you'd like. Please be on the lookout for this email after March 6th.
Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have. We look forward to partnering with you!
Thank you,
Katie Schoeman
8th Grade School Counselor
South Middle School