Fort Zumwalt School District - Twin Chimneys Elementary - PIONEER PRESS
Summer 2022
Dr. Bernard J. DuBray | Mrs. Tara Goerss | Mrs. Amber Houdei
Superintendent Principal Administrative Intern
Discover the Leader in You-Love, Learn, Lead!
Dear Families,
It was, without a doubt, another year filled with challenges and change for our students, staff and families. But, as always, we were able to come together and persevere. We could not be more proud of all that our students were able to accomplish both academically and socially throughout this school year. It was so nice to be able to welcome so many parents into our building last week to honor some amazing accomplishments during our awards ceremony. Having the families back in our building was truly an amazing feeling.
We would like to welcome you all back from 6:30 - 8 p.m., June 16, 2022 for our Summer picnic on the playground. This event will allow us to welcome new incoming TCE Pioneers as well as celebrate our fifth graders as they go on to middle school. We will have hot dogs, cotton candy, sno cones, games, prizes and a visit from the Bubble Bus. This is a free event sponsored by the TCE PTO. Hope to see you there!
Class placements will be emailed out by early August. If you have questions prior, please reach out.
We want to thank all of our students, staff and families for another amazing year. Everyone deserves a relaxing summer break. August will be here before you know it and we cannot wait to see what the new school year brings.
Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any concerns, questions or celebrations. As always, we are BETTER together!
-Tara Goerss & Amber Houdei