Our PSE robotics team is spending their Sunday competing in a First Lego League tournament! Go PSE Eagles! #PSEsoars

PSE 5th grade students love to be up at whiteboards around their classroom during math! Using vertical spaces allow for great math collaboration and conversations. #PSEsoars

Our Blue Notes have been so popular with students, parents, guardians and the community that we want to give #FZCommunity the opportunity to celebrate staff each semester. So, in this season of thanks and giving, we’re opening our form up so you can send a special note to a staff member who’s special to you. Click the button below and send a Blue Note of appreciation, celebration or thanks to a staff member at your school. It will close at 5 p.m., Dec. 14, 2022. We'll be delivering them beginning Dec. 16. Let's make some noise for our amazing staff!
CLICK TO SUBMIT YOUR BLUE NOTE NOW: https://forms.gle/Rk19cZ1vdL8S2ofC8

Our Blue Notes have been so popular with students, parents, guardians and the community that we want to give #FZCommunity the opportunity to celebrate staff each semester. So, in this season of thanks and giving, we’re opening our form up so you can send a special note to a staff member who’s special to you. Click the button below and send a Blue Note of appreciation, celebration or thanks to a staff member at your school. It will close at 5 p.m., Dec. 14, 2022. We'll be delivering them beginning Dec. 16. Let's make some noise for our amazing staff!
CLICK TO SUBMIT YOUR BLUE NOTE NOW: https://forms.gle/Rk19cZ1vdL8S2ofC8

Great job to all of our PSE spelling bee contestant’s that participated today in our building bee! Soumik - 1st place & Scout - 2nd place for our building winners! Congratulations to all! #PSEsoars

Have a fabulous Monday! #PSEsoar

Come join us at PSE from 9am to 1pm - donuts, bookfair, Santa, and fun! #PSEfun

What a great FRI-YAY at PSE! Surpassed our goal as an administrator team of making 500 positive phone calls home! #TrendthePositive #PSEsoars

Join us this Saturday 12/3 from 9am to 1pm for PTO sponsored Scholastic Book Fair & Donuts with Santa! More information on upcoming events can be found on the PSE website: https://pse.fz.k12.mo.us/o/pses/page/pse-principals-corner

If you missed the latest update from #FZSupt, tune in now to the FORTiTUDE podcast.

Terrific Tuesday at PSE - caught some WIN/RtI time in action along with Ms. B’s music class fun! #PSEsoars

Love being back in action and getting into classrooms to see math! Kindergarten was playing “Match Me” with shapes and 2nd grade was measuring with tiles and rulers #PSEsoar

Mrs. Hughes taught kindergartens how to make clay pinch pots this week! #handsonlearning #PSEsoar

Great Friday as we wrapped up the day by celebrating PSE students that received Eagle SOAR Awards. Today’s positive phone calls home pushed us to over 450 for the year. Great job PSE students! #PSEsoars #CelebrateStudents

S/O to our 4th grade teacher team for spending their morning together planning, collaborating, and digging into comparing and ordering decimals. #PSEsoars

PSE had a great morning celebrating our honored guests! Thank you Veterans for joining us today and allowing us to show our gratitude for your service. #PSEcelebrates

Being in classrooms and seeing students fully engaged during math is AWESOME! Paired up with partners, math chatter, center time and much more = math fun! #PSEsoars

Check out FORTiTUDE playlist #21stCenturySkills More on course offerings & student achievements in #FZSD Career Technical Ed pathways. Students, teachers, alum check in to discuss @PLTW, @SCCCaps, ZumwaltApprenticeships.com and more.
@MoEducation @GovMikeParson

DECA students came from South High to talk to PSE students about the Turkey Drive 🦃

In his monthly update, #FZSupt Dr. DuBray celebrates the many community events taking place across the district and the power of the connection between home and school. https://thrillshare.com/s/news-fzsd/scheduled_article/baf8f6a5511b6c6bfba8f0a3