Kindergarten’s directed drawings were too cute! 🧟
over 2 years ago, Dr. Riley Williams
directed drawing
Directed Drawing
directed drawing
directed drawing
PSE is kicking off Red Ribbon Week on Monday (10/24) w/ Wear RED Day! We are “RED-e “ to learn more about saying yes to healthy life choices! #PSEsoars
over 2 years ago, Amy Neill
wear red day picture
red ribbon week flyer
What a great night with our PSE community! Thank you to our PTO for organizing a wonderful event & thank you families for making it so much fun! S/O to all the PSE staff that came to support and huge thanks to Ms. Star for being our custodian tonight 💛🦅💙 #PSEsoars
over 2 years ago, Amy Neill
trunk or treat
trunk or treat
trunk or treat
trunk or treat
It was great to see so many students and their families at our first annual Trunk or Treat! 🍁 🎃 #PSEsoar
over 2 years ago, Dr. Riley Williams
Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat
PSE families - 4-6 pm tonight is trunk or treat! If you purchased a slot to decorate your trunk, parking lot will be open at 3pm to begin decorating. All other PSE families coming to join in the fun, parking will be on the lower lot and across at South Middle. Event opens at 4pm
over 2 years ago, Amy Neill
trunk or treat flyer
Fall parties were a lot of fun! It was great getting into KDG, fourth, and fifth grade classrooms to celebrate today! #PSEsoar 💙💛🍂
over 2 years ago, Dr. Riley Williams
Collecting spiders
Leaf shading
Mummy bowling
PSE 2nd grade students #CelebrateWriting! Taking a gallery walk through all the classrooms to leave compliments on peers writing. #PSEsoars
over 2 years ago, Amy Neill
enjoying reading
leaving compliments for writing
2nd grade students celebrate writing
2nd writing celebrations
#DigitalCitizenship week is almost here! Check out the progress of our Elementary Technology classes. They started by in 2016 by introducing students K - 5 to the basics, now they are working with every student as an author. Tune in here:
over 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
FORTiTUDE podcast: Every Kid's an Author
Wrapped up 5th grade camp today! Archery, making fossils, and lunch outdoors to end our day. Shout out to all the staff that made camp full of fun and great learning for 5th grade students.
over 2 years ago, Amy Neill
archery with students
outdoor lunch
camp activities
PSE 5th grade students are enjoying day two of Camp! Lots of outdoor learning, archery, ropes course cooperative activities, and SO much fun!
over 2 years ago, Amy Neill
students in outdoor camp activities
camp day 2
students in fossil tracks
students at archery
PSE had a beautiful day to kick off day one of 5th grade camp! Students enjoyed outside games then had presentations on Birds of Prey and Missouri Reptiles. Great day of learning and enjoying fall weather!
over 2 years ago, Amy Neill
5th grade camp birds or prey presentation
students playing a game at camp
students playing a game at camp
5th grade camp reptile presentation
S/O and a huge THANK YOU to our custodial team as we mark National Custodial Worker's Recognition Day. Thank you for all you do to have our schools ready for teaching and learning each day.
over 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Thank you FZSD Custodians!
PSE admin team set a goal of 100 positive phone calls by October 1st! So, so, so many great things happening here with students that we have far surpassed our goal! Next up, how soon we will reach 200? #PSEsoars
over 2 years ago, Amy Neill
positive office referrals
positive phone calls chart
positive office referrals
positive office referrals
Tune in to hear from elementary students and recent grads about the League of Leaders and the power of common language in Pushing for Positive Peer Influence. It's at the center of all we do. Watch or listen on our website: Download the new Fort Zumwalt App, subscribe on YouTube or your favorite podcast app so you never miss an episode of the FORTiTUDE podcast.
over 2 years ago, FORTiTUDE podcast
FORTiTUDE podcast: The League of Leaders
Did you know the federal program providing free school meals to all students expired? Please be sure to check your students' account balance regularly. If you need the application to see if you qualify for free or reduced price school meals click "Free/Reduced Application Info" on our Student Nutrition website.
over 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Student Nutrition Update
#FZSD is loving our new app! Access dining menus, news updates, & even notifications, right from your pocket. Set your default school & schools that send you notifications in settings. Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Download the FZSD app
PSE Picture Day - Monday, September 19th! No checks or cash will be accepted, online ordering only: Online Pre-Order Password: 4E7X8X6W Need order help or have questions? Wagner Portrait Group can help: 314-567-5900
over 2 years ago, Amy Neill
PSE Picture Day Flyer
PTO Family Picnic Thursday, Sept 8th 5:30-7:00 pm Bring dinner and meet on PSE playground for games, scavenger hunt, connect with other families and more! **Ice cream & PSE spirit wear available for purchase. PTO will accept food donations for PSE Project Eagle Pack
over 2 years ago, Amy Neill
Picnic save the date flyer
Project Eagle Pack food donations list
Be sure to get your PSE PTO spirit wear orders in by September 4th! Orders will be processed about two weeks after the store closes. Click here to order:
over 2 years ago, Amy Neill
Progress South Spirit Wear Reminder
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Fort Zumwalt! It's everything Fort Zumwalt, in your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Download the Fort Zumwalt App